Wednesday, February 15, 2017


I have missed a few posts at this point.
Im going to write this and be pinpoint.
Today we were doing labs.
Im doing it to stay off those slabs.
IT is very fun.
I stay out of the sun.
My skin is pale.
I don't wanna go to Yale.
IT helps me fix my computer
my favorite movie is shooter.

---------------------CoNn0r 0uT

Monday, January 23, 2017


So in class on Friday we talked about midterms.
So this means its (LIT)terms.
Mr.Holmes gave us a pinkish sheet with the open response.
Were about to make a renaissance.
Monday is Blue IT Polo day.
Makes me jump up and say Hey.
The cafe is closed today.
It bring a tear to my eye that I cant go grab a sub.
Now I need to find somewhere else or grub.
 - Connor Porter

Tuesday, January 17, 2017


So Friday I forgot to create a new IT blog.
Instead I went home and walked my dog.
I worked on my data base project all day.
I was inside all day didn't even catch a ray.
My led screen is pure white.
When I get home its taco night.
My project is so good it out of site,
Now I need to do IT work I have to stay up all night.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017


all my fellow bloggers and blogets my name is Connor Porter.
Im only here so i don't get fined to be honest .

 I have decide that everything after this will be rhyming everything for the rest of my blog post no matter how painful it is to google " what rhymes with ________?" 

So today i created this blog.
I have to go home and walk my dog.
I spent most class today looking for Why IT.
Yesterday i hurt my knee.
At the end of class I started an article review.
Now is lunch, im gong to chew.